Support Us

Deck the Hall 2024

Courtney Pine and Jane Richardson

Become a member

Your generosity helps us to inspire people through our international-standard performances and innovative participatory activities. Here’s how you can support us.
Nicola Benedetti teaching a student.

Leave a legacy

Help to safeguard the magic of Saffron Hall for future generations by leaving a gift in your Will
A woman dressed in a harlequin style costume in red, white and black gestures towards the camera animatedly

Make a donation

You may not know that Saffron Hall Trust is a registered charity. In order to sustain our work we really need your support.
gift voucher boxes

Gift a membership

Give the gift of an unforgettable live experience
Three smiling volunteers in their stewarding uniforms

Become a volunteer

Our volunteers are the first port of call for our visiting audience, providing a friendly face and a warm welcome
A group of seated older people hold are waving, doing actions and singing

Saffron Hall's Economic and Social Impact

Find out more about a study we commissioned to measure our social and economic impact in Saffron Walden and beyond.
The Together in Sound sessions.

Our commitment to supporters